Kelly SETT Leads from the Front by Making RefAssured a Competitive Advantage
In 90 days of using RefAssured:

References Contacted

New Client Leads

Labor Cost Savings
There are some truths that are universal. Grass is green. The sky is blue. And Kelly Services invented the modern staffing industry as we all know it.
There is no company in history with as strong of a starring role in the creation of staffing as a practice than Kelly, starting in 1946 when William Russell Kelly ushered in a new way to connect talented people with critical work opportunities and facilitate America’s post-war economic transformation.
Since then, Kelly has been at the forefront of innovation and continually reinventing the classic concept of matching people and jobs. If its unparalleled history has taught our industry anything, it’s that Kelly always leads from the front – making bold decisions and acting as early adopters of processes and technologies that will change how work works for the better.
And so, in 2023, when Kelly’s Science, Engineering, Technology & Telecom division (SETT) found itself looking for ways to pole-vault the competition yet again by embracing change and coalescing around novel solutions, it decided to make a major investment in something that was previously exceedingly difficult to quantify: candidate quality. And how was it going to achieve that?
By turning to a company that was, in its own way, also reinventing a classic.
The Challenge
For John Giseburt, Kelly SETT’s Vice President of Strategic Enablement, delivering unique and differentiated value to clients is a moving target, because as expectations rise, so does his team’s ability to execute on a bold vision.
“I’ve spent decades cultivating a deep understanding of strategic sourcing and recruiting best practices,” said Giseburt, “and believe me when I say that the process by which we place candidates in roles has fundamentally changed. I think it’s pretty broadly known that a resume can be written pretty easily now with generative AI, and that candidates can even rely on AI engines to help them answer live interview questions. These standards that we have relied on for accurate screening just aren’t so accurate any longer.”
Indeed, Kelly SETT found itself facing several unique but related challenges. First, how could it move faster in the placement process given demand fluctuations and a huge pool of talent to vet and accurately assess? Second, what could it capitalize on in order to stand apart from its more analog and risk-averse competitors to strengthen its client value propositions and relationships? And third, how could it quantify, with data-driven precision, that what it had tried was working?
With this in mind, Giseburt decided it was time for the SETT division to start conducting reference checks on candidates as standard operating procedure, to ensure that the team had a way of validating that candidates were truly capable and best-fit for the roles in which they were being placed. The next question was what type of solution the team could leverage to achieve this.

John Giseburt
VP, Strategic Enablement
Kelly Science, Engineering, Technology & Telecom
“I was speaking with our Director of IT who has been with Kelly for 20 years, doing hundreds of integrations and implementations, and she said that there is only one company in her whole history of implementations at Kelly that has actually delivered on everything they’ve promised on time – and that’s RefAssured. Think about that. I can’t imagine higher praise.”
The Solution
“It’s hard to create a roadmap for a city you’ve never driven in,” said Giseburt, “but that’s where I feel like this industry is with so many technology providers. There are these solutions built for the corporate enterprise by people who have never worked in staffing that are for some reason being sold to staffing firms to solve staffing problems. But how? And why?”
When Kelly SETT sought to evaluate technologies to automate reference checking at scale, and to infuse this process into its recruiting lifecycle, Giseburt found himself surrounded by providers that didn’t understand the problems that his firm was actually trying to solve.
“We looked at several other automated reference checking providers and found them underwhelming,” said Giseburt. “RefAssured was the last company we spoke to, and they just came in and beat everyone at the finish line easily. The fact that the RefAssured team comes from the staffing industry made a huge difference, as opposed to being some random technology company trying to cash in on an industry they don’t understand. My team felt a connection with the RefAssured team right away. And our instincts were absolutely right.”
Rolling out the RefAssured platform via integration with Kelly’s applicant tracking system, Bullhorn, was turnkey and automatic. Because of the native integration with Bullhorn as well as an unintegrated option through RefAssured’s Connect API, Kelly SETT had multiple options of how to deploy the solution, and every option could be up and running in just hours.
Giseburt continued: “I was speaking with our Director of IT who has been with Kelly for 20 years, doing hundreds of integrations and implementations, and she said that there is only one company in her whole history of implementations at Kelly that has actually delivered on everything they’ve promised on time – and that’s RefAssured. Think about that. I can’t imagine higher praise.”
The Result
To put it simply, the results are exemplary.
Kelly SETT expected efficiency improvements from using RefAssured, but the platform’s unique reference reports and built-in warm talent and client lead generation capabilities have introduced a host of benefits.
“We just placed a candidate who opted in as a warm talent lead from RefAssured,” said Giseburt, “with a $40,000 placement fee. We not only know it came from RefAssured but also which exact search it originated from, because RefAssured automatically writes all the lead information back into the talent record in our Bullhorn ATS. I chuckle when people hesitate to invest in a solution like RefAssured because they’re afraid to spend money on innovation. Okay, that’s fine – you wait it out. We’ll take all those placement fees in the meantime!”
And it’s not just talent leads. Client leads have been pouring in for Kelly SETT, thanks to RefAssured.
“I’m staring at a list of 100 client leads we’ve gotten through RefAssured,” Giseburt continued. “These are high-quality client leads, people with decision-making authority that we need and want to be talking to. There are so many leads that I’m dedicating an entire team to just responding to all these hot leads from RefAssured. This is on top of the fact that we’re getting a formula for candidate quality and quicker placements and an easier, more efficient process.”
RefAssured’s informative, digestible, and action-oriented reference reports have also helped Kelly SETT deliver differentiated value to its clients and support customer satisfaction and retention.
“One of our customers said very matter-of-factly to me,” said Giseburt, “no one else is giving me this type of report. Keep this up. Using RefAssured puts your team in a whole different class than everyone else.”
Additionally, RefAssured has been warmly received by the in-demand technical talent that Kelly SETT places, increasing engagement and candidate satisfaction levels.
Giseburt explained the positive impact that RefAssured has had on talent. “We tell our candidates that a third-party company, RefAssured, is going to engage with them to collect references, and that these reference reports will help set them apart from everyone else in the talent pool. We do it very early on, in the submittal stage. Not only does this take a ton of work off our hands, but it gives us the ability to do the things we love to do – using this tremendous, trustworthy insight to create sizzle reels of sorts for our candidates and celebrate what makes them shine.”
Giseburt continued: “Candidates love it, clients love it, and our recruiting managers think that RefAssured is just an absolute game-changer. We brag about this tool in company town halls. It’s that core to our process now. Why wouldn’t everyone use this?”
Final Thoughts
As Kelly Services continues to pioneer positive change for the staffing industry, the Kelly SETT team is embracing the possibilities that credible and quality-focused technology presents for the future.
The team has already seen such strong results from using the RefAssured platform that they are now keen to recommend it to other divisions within Kelly Services and expand its adoption of new RefAssured technology integrations internally.
John Giseburt sees one of his team’s near-term priorities as trying to find other technology partners that resemble RefAssured from the vantage point of substantive quality, strong domain expertise, and true commitment to collaboration, holding the RefAssured team and solution up as a template of sorts for how staffing technology companies should operate and deliver immediate ROI. Giseburt is also excited for the many applications and use cases that RefAssured’s candidate quality data can unlock for Kelly SETT and beyond.
“RefAssured’s questionnaires and the human-generated insight it provides are much more intelligent than other tools,” said Giseburt. “The information is much more intuitive. It’s a true profile of a candidate, a trustworthy view of their past performance. There are a lot of ways to use this that extend beyond just a reference check. We know this, and RefAssured knows this. So it’s exciting to see how our relationship evolves.”
About Kelly Science, Engineering, Technology & Telecom
Kelly Engineering creates expert talent solutions to solve the world’s most critical challenges. As the third-ranked engineering staffing provider in the U.S., we connect thousands of engineers each year to careers on the cutting edge of their fields – from sustainable mobility and renewable energy to medical device and biopharmaceutical manufacturing. We give our clients a competitive edge by offering a full range of flexible workforce solutions, including direct-hire and contract staffing, business process outsourcing solutions, and project services.
Ready to discover supercharged, data-backed reference results?
RefAssured can take your references to the
next level.