From Reference Checking to Revenue Growth with the Power of RefAssured
Challenge: Reference Checking Like It’s 1999
Connexion was founded when fax machines were the cutting edge of business productivity. As times changed, so did the company—expanding service offerings, modernizing capabilities, and embracing novel and innovative staffing technology.
But they were still doing one thing manually: reference checks.
The entire process—gathering info, reaching out, following up, making contact, documenting responses—took at least 30 minutes for every candidate that Connexion was looking to place, greatly impacting recruiter productivity and leaving significant money on the table.
Solution: Looking for (Automated) Friends in All the Right Places
Connexion didn’t realize how big a problem manual references had become until they were unexpectedly presented with the ideal solution.
They met RefAssured at an industry conference in 2023 and immediately realized, “we need this!”
Once they got to know the RefAssured team and experienced the platform, Connexion realized three things that made their decision to purchase inevitable:
- The RefAssured team’s staffing industry pedigree and experience is unmatched by competitors
- RefAssured’s team does not overpromise or underdeliver
- The user experience on the platform “blows everything else away”
Within eight weeks of the conference, Connexion went live with RefAssured. The rollout to all 25 end users was seamless, painless, and immediately impactful.
“It was hands down the best implementation of anything we’ve rolled out in the last five or six years. It was fast, it was smooth, and it really impressed me.” – Dan Cushing, Co-Founder and Managing Partner
Results: Human-Centered Automation Is the Best of Both Worlds
For Connexion, running a small business means not having a lot of time to dive into analytics. But from a qualitative perspective – the proof of how well automation works is in the human beings it benefits.
“I’ll put it this way, we started at a time when the phone was king. That’s how you operated. It was noisy and inefficient, even until recently. Now I walk into the office and it’s quiet. That’s all the proof I need.” – Dan Cushing, Co-Founder and Managing Partner
Outcome: Reference Checking that Works for Everyone
The Connexion team is now more productive and efficient within their existing workflows. RefAssured’s native integration with Bullhorn makes it simple for recruiters (and candidates) to simply “push a button” to start a reference check without ever leaving their one source of truth.
The Connexion team has also increased client leads, converting several into new customers who rave about the PDF of completed reference checks that Connexion can now provide. By providing their clients with the highest possible Quality of Talent (QoT), the Connexion team has unlocked new pipeline and opportunities with reference givers who also happen to be looking for the best staffing partners.
Candidates love RefAssured’s intuitive mobile platform. Their reference givers love the sophisticated, simple interface, leading to more robust and thoughtful responses that result in deeper, more accurate insights. A reference check is a moment in time, but the intelligence gleaned from a thoughtful reference process unlocks unlimited potential across the recruiting lifecycle long after it’s completed.
“The [RefAssured] team has impressed me with their confidence and invaluable feedback. I enjoy working with them, and I’m excited to see what products they come up with in the next few years because they really nailed this one.” – Dan Cushing, Co-Founder and Managing Partner
About Connexion
Founded in 1999, Connexion is dedicated to raising the bar on staffing and recruiting. The company strives to be the unrivaled staffing solution for job seekers and hiring organizations alike, by expertly connecting talent with opportunity. The result is world-class teams for customers and more fulfilling careers for candidates.
Ready to discover supercharged, data-backed reference results?
RefAssured can take your references to the
next level.