It’s All about Relationships: Atlas MedStaff and RefAssured
In 5 months of using RefAssured:


Candidate Opt-Ins

Days to Completion
A People-First Process
Staffing is a people business, and in no sector is that more apparent – or critically important – than healthcare staffing.
For Atlas MedStaff, the largest veteran-owned travel nurse staffing company in the United States, maintaining high-quality relationships with the “traveler” community isn’t just an end state. It’s the core principle that informs and drives every single action and behavior at the company. Healthcare professionals are both highly skilled and highly stressed, and the team at Atlas understands that providing the best and most seamless onboarding experience for these everyday heroes is an overarching priority.
While reference checks provide meaningful insight as part of any hiring process, they carry added urgency in the healthcare industry. Healthcare staffing agencies must meet Joint Commission requirements for compliance, and Atlas requires every traveler to have two completed, vetted references as part of the onboarding process.
The Atlas Difference
“At Atlas, we really care about our travelers as whole people,” says Joel Wiersma, Chief Information Officer. “We prioritize relationships and the human connection, and we invest in technology that will help improve that human experience and make it seamless and smooth.”
Easy candidate onboarding, a low-friction process, and constant access to human beings who understand what travelers are going through – real people who genuinely care – these are the tenets that separate Atlas from competitors.
“When real life happens, who do you call?” says Aaron Biddle, Director of Training at Atlas. “This isn’t just a job for us. We are loyal to our travelers. We want to change their lives for the better.”
Case in point, Atlas stands out with its Atlas Adventure™ experiences, something unique to each traveler that creates meaningful and customized adventures for individual travelers based on their interests, backgrounds, geographical locations, and more.
“Atlas Adventure experiences are unlike anything else out there,” says Biddle. “For example, a traveler can go hot air ballooning in Arizona, or skiing in Colorado, whatever they’ve dreamed of. It speaks to not only the human relationship we have with our travelers, but also to the value and intensity of the work they do. Our travelers are saving lives.”
The Challenge
Macroeconomic uncertainty has made the focus on relationships that Atlas provides even more meaningful and imperative.
“When things are crazy on a macro level,” says Biddle, “you have to look at optimizing the micro. How do you take every traveler’s experience and make it special? We know that if we don’t get a candidate placed, it will really impact their lives in a bad way. That’s why the technology we use has to be truly solid, and it has to make things easier for humans. Every step in the process has to be optimized internally, externally, and everywhere in-between.”
While the team at Atlas already understood the importance of reference checks as a marker of hiring quality and mandatory compliance requirements, the process by which they collected these references was highly manual and varied depending on the individual preferences of the recruiter collecting them. And in an industry where objectivity is paramount, that just wasn’t good enough.
Looking to streamline the reference collection and completion lifecycle, Atlas turned first to a RefAssured competitor, but quickly realized that this solution had a lot of problems.
First, this competitor provided a pricing structure that was predicated on candidate reference credits, and allocated a certain number of credits annually for Atlas to use within a 12-month expiration window. This limited the volume and scale at which Atlas could operate, as they’d have to continually conform their candidate pipeline to the credit allocation available at any given moment, which was problematic for any type of staffing business for which placements fluctuate.
Second, for Atlas, which uses the popular Bullhorn ATS/CRM as their applicant tracking system of record, a lack of native integration between their reference checking solution and Bullhorn made for less optimal recruiter experience, requiring double authentication and creating occasional points of process friction. While the two systems did integrate, it was difficult for the incumbent solution to see “opt-ins” and accurately track and manage credits.
Third, at the time, the competitor solution lacked out-of-the-box text messaging capabilities. With candidates expecting a mobile-first user experience and travelers especially being tethered to their mobile devices, this was a significant limitation and oversight.

Aaron Biddle
Director of Training
Atlas Medstaff
“We turned on the system and did six user training sessions and a Q&A session all within one week. We tracked user feedback closely over the initial few weeks of going live to collaborate and make the most of the solution. Sometimes we’d ask for something and rather than just say yes without thinking, the RefAssured team would explain to us why a certain action might negatively affect the traveler experience, and they would work with us to meet our needs. It’s a true consultative partnership.”
The Results
In the first five months of going live with RefAssured, Atlas MedStaff has completed 5,244 references from 2,084 candidates, with an all-time low average completion time of 2 days. While Atlas has no shortage of client opportunities due to the high percentage of its business that flows through vendor management systems (VMS), the team is always on the lookout for new traveler candidates, and thanks to RefAssured’s lead generation capabilities, has seen 444 net new candidate opt-ins. That’s 75 candidate leads per month that Atlas likely wouldn’t have seen without using RefAssured.
Additionally – unlike with their previous solution which generated a new report for every reference, in a cumbersome workflow – with RefAssured, each candidate’s references are compiled into a single report.
Joel Wiersma is excited about the results they’ve already seen from the RefAssured partnership: “In healthcare staffing, references are an absolute must. With RefAssured, we have a streamlined way to address this requirement that also improves the experience for our team and our travelers.”
Aaron Biddle is especially pleased with the collaboration between the respective teams. “RefAssured clearly stands out among the technology vendors we work with. With RefAssured, customer feedback is important, heard, and acted on immediately.”

Joel Wiersma
Chief Information Officer
Atlas Medstaff
“Having a partner that thinks not just about our business relationship, but about how technology affects the candidates’ experience, and our team’s experience, is incredibly important. They know staffing. They care about the people behind the process. And we’re in it together.”
Final thoughts
At the end of the day, partnership is about trust. It’s the reason that RefAssured was founded – to solve the real problems that matter to staffing operators, with solutions thoughtfully designed by people who really understand what it’s like on the inside. By staffing execs, for staffing execs, all in the best interest of the candidates we place.
“One of the things we look at for Atlas is partners we can trust,” says Wiersma. “Partners we will enjoy working with over the long term. RefAssured and Atlas have the same core value of always being available 24-7. They share the same passion and loyalty we have for our travelers. The same understanding that everything we do has a real human impact. That’s why we partner with RefAssured – it’s about trust, loyalty, and integrity.”
About Atlas Medstaff
Atlas MedStaff provides a unique approach to healthcare staffing. Atlas Medstaff beliefs are deeply rooted in everything we do. Honesty, determination, integrity, and pride aren’t just buzz words we use because they look good posted on a wall. They are the values we live by and are evident in the work we do every day. We start at great and expect more every day. Our team is focused, experienced, and dedicated to providing the ultimate travel experience to every healthcare professional we serve. As a veteran-owned business, we honor and respect what it means to serve. We understand the difficult nature of change in the lives of our traveling healthcare professionals and support them throughout the process.
Ready to discover supercharged, data-backed reference results?
RefAssured can take your references to the
next level.